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How To Plan for Your New Pomeranian

by pommymommy
your new pomeranian

Bringing a Pomeranian into your home is an exciting and rewarding experience. These adorable little dogs bring joy, love, and companionship into your life, making them perfect pets for families, singles, and older people alike. However, before the fun begins, properly preparing for your new furry friend is essential. Planning ensures a smooth transition and creates a safe, welcoming environment for your Pomeranian to thrive.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know, from what to buy to how to prepare your home and what to expect financially. Let’s dive in and make sure you’re fully prepared to welcome your Pommy home!

What to Buy for Your New Pomeranian

Before your Pomeranian arrives, you’ll need to gather some essential items to make them feel comfortable and secure in their new home. Here’s a checklist to help you get started:

Essential Supplies:

  • Collar: Get a small, lightweight collar that fits your Pomeranian comfortably.
  • ID Tags: Make sure the ID tags have your contact information in case your Pommy gets lost.
  • Leash: A leash is crucial for walks and training. Opt for a lightweight leash suitable for a small dog.
  • Dog Food: Purchase high-quality dog food that is suitable for Pomeranians. Consult your vet for recommendations.
  • Food and Water Dishes: Stainless steel or ceramic dishes are durable and easy to clean.
  • Treats: Treats are great for training and rewarding good behavior.
  • Crate: Choose a crate that’s big enough for your Pommy to sit, stand, turn around, and lie down in comfortably.
  • Puppy Pads: If you plan to use puppy pads for house training, stock up on them in advance.
  • Pet Carpet Cleaner: Accidents will happen, so make sure you have the right cleaning supplies to keep your home fresh.
  • Pet Bed: This is optional, but many Pomeranians love having a cozy spot to curl up.
  • Grooming Supplies: Invest in brushes, combs, doggie shampoo, conditioner, and nail clippers to keep your Pommy looking fabulous.
  • Pet Toothbrush and Toothpaste: Dental hygiene is essential for Pomeranians, so get dog-safe products to keep their teeth clean.
  • Pet or Baby Gate: A gate can help confine your Pommy to specific areas of the house until they’re fully house-trained.
  • Pet Toys and Blankets: Poms love to play and snuggle, so make sure you have plenty of toys and blankets ready.

Additional Items for Comfort:

  • Pet Stairs or Ramps: If your Pommy will be allowed on furniture, these will help protect their joints.
  • Harness: Many Pommy parents prefer a harness for walks, as it can reduce pressure on the dog’s delicate trachea.
  • Travel Carrier: For trips to the vet or any outings, a pet carrier will make transporting your Pommy easier and safer.

Financial Considerations for Your New Pomeranian

Being a Pomeranian parent is a time commitment and a financial responsibility. While Poms don’t require a large amount of food, other costs are associated with their care.

Adoption or Purchase Costs:

  • Adoption Fees: If you’re adopting a Pommy from a shelter or rescue, expect to pay an adoption fee ranging from $100 to $500, depending on the organization.
  • Buying from a Breeder: If you’re buying from a breeder, prices for Pomeranians can range from $800 to $5,000, depending on the dog’s lineage, coat color, and other factors.

Recurring Expenses:

  • Vet Bills: Regular vet visits are essential. Pomeranians will need yearly check-ups, vaccinations, and occasional health screenings.
  • Grooming: Regular grooming is essential to maintain their fluffy coat. You can groom your Pommy at home or take them to a professional groomer, which can cost around $30 to $90 per session.
  • Food and Treats: While Pomeranians don’t eat much, high-quality dog food is essential for their health and can add up over time.
  • Pet Insurance: Consider pet insurance to help with unexpected medical expenses. Depending on coverage, plans can range from $20 to $70 per month.

Planning for these costs ensures you can provide the best care for your new Pommy without financial strain.

Prepping Your Home for Your New Pomeranian

Once you’ve gathered all the necessary supplies, it’s time to prepare your home for your Pommy’s arrival. Creating a safe and comfortable environment is vital to making them feel at home.

Designate a Space

Decide where your Pomeranian will spend most of their time, especially during the initial days as they adjust to their new surroundings. The kitchen is a good option since it’s easy to clean and often close to the action, allowing your Pommy to feel included.

Set Up Their Area

Arrange their crate, food, water dishes, toys, and blankets in the designated space. Make sure their area feels cozy and inviting.

Puppy-Proof the Area

Before your Pommy arrives, it’s crucial to puppy-proof the area. Pomeranians are curious and love to explore, so you’ll need to remove any hazards from their space.

  • Remove electrical wires: Ensure cords are out of reach or securely fastened to prevent chewing.
  • Store household chemicals: Keep cleaning products and chemicals locked away in cabinets.
  • Move plants and fragile items: Place plants, delicate decorations, and valuable items in areas your Pommy can’t access.
  • Secure baby gates: Use baby or pet gates to confine your Pommy to specific rooms until they’re fully house-trained.
  • Check for hazards: Look around the room for anything they could get into, such as sharp objects or small items they could swallow.

Pommy-proofing your home is an ongoing process, as your Pom may discover new things to chew or play with that you hadn’t anticipated.

Establish a Routine

Pomeranians thrive on routine. From the moment they arrive, show them their potty area, where their food and water are, and introduce them to the family. Establishing a bathroom and feeding schedule helps your Pommy quickly adapt to their new life.

Introducing Your Pommy to Family Members

Introducing your new Pom to family members is a fun and exciting process. However, it’s important to do so in a calm and controlled manner, especially if there are children or other pets in the home.

  • Children: Teach young children how to interact gently with the new puppy. Remind them that Pomeranians are small and delicate, so they should avoid rough play.
  • Other Pets: Introduce your Pommy to other pets slowly. Supervise their interactions until you’re sure they get along well.

Giving your Pommy time to explore their new environment and meet everyone at their own pace helps reduce anxiety and ensures a smooth transition.

First Days at Home: What to Expect

Bringing your Pomeranian home is exciting but can also be a little overwhelming for your new furry friend. Here’s what to expect in the first few days:

  • Nervousness or Shyness: It’s natural for your Pom to feel a little nervous or shy as they adjust to their new environment. Be patient and give them time to explore.
  • House Training: Start house training right away. Take your Pommy to their designated potty area frequently and reward them for going in the right place.
  • Separation Anxiety: Pomeranians are known for forming strong bonds with their owners, so they may experience separation anxiety when left alone. Crate training can help them feel secure when you’re not home.

Building a Bond with Your Pomeranian

The most rewarding part of welcoming a new Pomeranian into your home is building a solid bond with them. Spend quality time playing, cuddling, and training your Pommy. The more time you invest in their care, the closer your bond will become.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, to encourage good behavior.
  • Training Sessions: Keep training sessions short and fun. Pomeranians are intelligent dogs and love learning new tricks.
  • Exercise and Play: Ensure your Pommy gets enough exercise to keep them healthy and happy. Daily walks and playtime are essential for their physical and mental well-being.

Welcoming Your New Best Friend

How To Plan for Your New PomeranianBringing a Pomeranian into your home is an exciting journey with many rewards. With proper planning, preparation, and care, your Pommy will quickly become a beloved member of your family. Following the steps outlined will ensure your new furry friend feels safe, loved, and ready to share a lifetime of joy.

Get ready to make wonderful memories with your new best friend, and enjoy the endless love and companionship that comes with being a Pommy parent!

Peace, Love & Pomeranians,

Jamie Mowers

Pom Mom Jaime Mowers

Jaime is the Pommy Mommy of Foxy and Bear-Bear

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