Home » Thanksgiving Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pomeranian

Thanksgiving Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pomeranian

by Pommy Mommy

Thanksgiving Foods to AvoidThanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and delicious food. While we indulge in festive feasts, it’s important to remember that our Pomeranians should avoid certain Thanksgiving foods. Many holiday staples are harmful or even toxic to dogs, and keeping your Pommy safe should be a top priority. Here’s a guide to help you navigate which Thanksgiving foods to avoid feeding your Pomeranian.

1. Turkey Skin and Bones

Turkey is a Thanksgiving classic, but the skin and bones present significant risks for your Pomeranian. The skin is high in fat, which can lead to gastrointestinal upset, pancreatitis, or even more severe conditions like obesity. The bones, particularly those from poultry, can splinter and cause blockages or tears in your dog’s digestive tract. Always ensure that your Pomeranian is only given plain, cooked turkey meat without skin or bones, and keep any leftover turkey parts out of their reach.

2. Stuffing

Thanksgiving Foods to Avoid

Stuffing is a Thanksgiving favorite that often includes onions, garlic, and spices. Onions and garlic are particularly dangerous for dogs, as they can cause hemolytic anemia by destroying red blood cells. Symptoms of onion or garlic toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. Additionally, the rich and buttery nature of stuffing can upset your Pommy’s stomach and lead to obesity or pancreatitis—a Thanksgiving food to avoid feeding your Pomeranian.

3. Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes may seem harmless, but they’re often prepared with butter, cream, and other additives that can harm dogs. The high-fat content can lead to gastrointestinal issues or pancreatitis, while lactose in dairy products can cause digestive upset, especially in lactose intolerant dogs. Instead of sharing mashed potatoes, opt for plain, cooked potatoes in small quantities to offer a safe alternative.

4. Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry sauce is a sweet and tangy addition to your Thanksgiving meal but unsuitable for your Pomeranian. The sauce is often high in sugar and may contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener toxic to dogs. Excess sugar can lead to obesity and dental issues, while xylitol can cause a dangerous drop in blood sugar levels, seizures, or liver failure. If you want to give your Pommy a fruity treat, try offering a few fresh, unsweetened cranberries in moderation.

5. Pumpkin Pie

Pumpin pie

Pumpkin pie is another Thanksgiving food to avoid feeding your Pomeranian. While plain pumpkin is safe and beneficial for dogs in small amounts, the added spices in pumpkin pie can irritate your Pomeranian’s digestive system. Additionally, the high sugar content can contribute to weight gain and other health issues. Instead of pie, consider offering your Pommy a small amount of plain, cooked pumpkin as a healthy alternative.

6. Pies and Cakes

Holiday desserts like pies and cakes are tempting but loaded with sugar, fat, and sometimes harmful ingredients like chocolate or nuts. Chocolate, for instance, contains theobromine, which is toxic to dogs and can cause symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and seizures. Nuts, especially macadamia nuts, can also be harmful, causing symptoms ranging from gastrointestinal upset to severe toxicity. Keep these desserts away from your Pomeranian and stick to dog-friendly treats instead.

7. Alcohol

Thanksgiving Foods to AvoidI’m not too sure if there is anyone foolish enough to feed their Pomeranian alcohol, but it is another Thanksgiving food to avoid feeding your Pomeranian. The holiday season might involve celebratory drinks, but alcohol is hazardous for dogs. Even small amounts can cause vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and lethargy. In severe cases, alcohol consumption can lead to coma or death. Ensure that all alcoholic beverages are kept out of your Pommy’s reach, and remind your guests of the importance of keeping drinks away from curious paws.

8. Raw Dough

Raw dough, whether for bread or cookies, poses a risk to your Pomeranian due to the yeast it contains. The yeast can expand in your dog’s stomach, causing painful bloating and potentially life-threatening complications. Additionally, the raw dough can include sugar or chocolate that harms dogs. Keep raw dough out of reach and ensure that your Pommy doesn’t have access to any uncooked baking ingredients.

9. Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallows

Sweet potatoes are a healthy dog option when prepared and served in moderation. However, when covered in marshmallows and sweeteners, they become a potential health hazard. The added sugar and artificial ingredients in marshmallows can upset your Pommy’s stomach and contribute to weight gain or diabetes. Instead, offer plain, cooked sweet potatoes without any added ingredients.

10. Bones from Other Meats

While turkey bones are a known danger, bones from other meats like ham or beef pose risks. Cooked bones can splinter and cause blockages or tears in your dog’s digestive system. Even large, uncooked bones can break your Pommy’s teeth or pose a choking hazard. Opt for safe, specially-designed dog chew toys or treats if you want to give your dog a bone.

Keeping Your Pomeranian Safe

The key to a happy Thanksgiving for your Pomeranian is keeping them away from harmful foods. Here are some additional tips to ensure their safety:

  1. Create a Safe Space: Designate a quiet area for your Pommy where they can relax away from the hustle and bustle of holiday festivities. Provide their food and water so they’re not tempted to beg for table scraps.
  2. Communicate with Guests: Let your guests know about the dangers of certain foods for dogs and ensure they understand not to feed your Pomeranian any holiday treats.
  3. Offer Safe Treats: If you want to include your Pomeranian in the holiday spirit, offer them safe, dog-friendly treats or a small portion of their regular food. You can even make homemade dog treats using ingredients that are safe for them.
  4. Monitor Their Health: Watch for any signs of discomfort or illness, especially if your Pommy has sneaked a forbidden food. If you suspect they’ve ingested something harmful, contact your veterinarian immediately.

A Time of Joy and Celebration

Thanksgiving is a time of joy and celebration, but keeping your Pomeranian’s health and safety in mind is essential. By avoiding dangerous foods and providing safe alternatives, you can ensure that your furry friend enjoys the holiday season just as much as you do. Remember these tips, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your Pomeranian by your side!

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