Home » Dedicated to Rescuers: A Poem By Arlene Pace

Dedicated to Rescuers: A Poem By Arlene Pace

by pommymommy

As many of you know, I have an enormous passion for rescue dogs of all shapes and sizes. Having personally rescued four Pomeranians, I’ve seen firsthand just how special these rescues are, and they hold a huge place in my heart.

Recently, while browsing the internet for a rescue dog quote to caption a photo, I stumbled upon a website filled with rescue dog poems. Some of them brought smiles, while others brought tears. (I’ll admit, one left me in tears—these rescues just have a way of tugging at my heartstrings!) I wanted to share a beautiful poem I found that is dedicated to all the rescuers out there. It’s not the one that had me bawling, but it’s a heartfelt tribute to those who open their homes and hearts to animals in need.

Enjoy this poem, “Dedicated to Rescuers,” and if you ever have any questions about rescue Pomeranians or are looking to adopt one, feel free to leave a comment or reach out. I’m always happy to help guide you in the right direction.

Dedicated To Rescuers (in honor of Patchie)

By Arlene Pace

Once I was a lonely dog, Just looking for a home.
I had no place to go, No one to call my own.
I wandered up and down the streets, in rain in heat and snow.
Ate whatever I could find, I was always on the go.
My skin would itch, my feet were sore, My body ached with pain.
And no one stopped to give a pat, Or to gently say my name.
I never saw a loving glance, I was always on the run.
For people thought that hurting me was really lots of fun.

And then one day I heard a voice, So gentle, kind and sweet,
And arms so soft reached down to me, And took me off my feet.
“No one again will hurt you, Was whispered in my ear.”
“You’ll have a home to call your own, where you will know no fear.”
“You will be dry, you will be warm, you’ll have enough to eat.”
“And rest assured that when you sleep, your dreams will all be sweet.”
I was afraid I must admit, I’ve lived so long in fear.
I can’t remember when I let, A human come so near.

And as she tended to my wounds, And bathed and brushed my fur
She told me about the rescue group, And what it meant to her.
She said, “We are a circle, A line that never ends.”

“And in the center there is you protected by new friends.”
“And all around you are the ones that check the pounds,
And those that share their home after you’ve been found.”
“And all the other folk are searching near and far.
“To find the perfect home for you, where you can be a star.”

She said, “There is a family, that’s waiting patiently,
and pretty soon we’ll find them, just you wait and see.”
“And then they’ll join our circle, they’ll help to make it grow,
so there’ll be room for more like you, who have no place to go.”
I waited very patiently, The days they came and went.
Today’s the day I thought, my family will be sent.
Then just when I began to think, It wasn’t meant to be,
there were people standing there just gazing down at me.

I knew them in a heartbeat, I could tell they felt it too.
They said, “We have been waiting for a special dog like you.”
Now every night I say a prayer to all the gods that be.
“Thank you for the life I live and all you’ve given me.
But most of all protect the dogs in the pound and on the street.
And send a rescue person to lift them off their feet.”

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