Home » Does Your Pomeranians Breath Smell?

Does Your Pomeranians Breath Smell?

by Pommy Mommy

Pomeranians breath smell badIt happens to every dog owner—you lean in to hug your four-legged friend, only to be met with an unpleasant whiff of bad breath. While a little odor is typical, especially after a meal, there’s a difference between everyday dog breath and something more concerning. If your Pomeranian’s breath smells particularly bad—like, really bad—and regular brushing doesn’t seem to help, a more significant issue may be at play.

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can indicate underlying health problems in dogs, so it’s essential to investigate the cause. In this post, we’ll cover why your Pomeranian’s breath might smell, what to do about it, and how to keep your Pom’s mouth healthy.

Step 1: Take Your Pomeranian to the Vet

If you’ve noticed that your Pomeranian’s breath smells particularly bad, the first step should always be visiting the vet. While bad breath can be caused by something as simple as tartar buildup, more severe conditions must be ruled out.

At the vet, your Pom will get a thorough dental check. Your vet will look at your pup’s teeth, gums, and mouth to see if dental issues are the root of the problem. If so, they might recommend a dental cleaning or other treatments.

Other Potential Causes to Rule Out

Sometimes, your vet might want to investigate further to rule out non-dental causes of bad breath. Though it’s rare, some diseases can cause foul-smelling breath in dogs. These include:

  • Lung disease: In severe cases, lung infections or diseases can produce a foul odor on your Pom’s breath.
  • Kidney disease: When the kidneys are not functioning properly, waste products can build up in the bloodstream, leading to a strong odor in your dog’s breath that smells like ammonia.
  • Liver disease: Similarly, liver disease can cause bad breath, often accompanied by symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or yellowing of the eyes and gums (jaundice).

While being aware of these potential causes is essential, don’t panic if your Pomeranian’s breath smells terrible. These diseases are rare, and it’s more likely that the culprit is something simpler, like dental issues. Still, having your vet rule them out will give you peace of mind, knowing your Pom is in good hands.

Step 2: Monitor Tartar Buildup

One of the most common reasons for bad breath in Pomeranians is tartar buildup on their teeth. Tartar is formed when plaque, a soft and sticky substance made of bacteria and food particles, hardens over time. While brushing helps remove plaque before it becomes tartar, once tartar forms, it can only be removed by a professional cleaning.

Your vet should monitor tartar buildup at every regular visit. If left untreated, excessive tartar can lead to:

  • Gum disease
  • Tooth decay
  • Oral infections

Step 3: Establish a Regular Brushing Routine

As your Pomeranian’s primary caretaker, you play a crucial role in maintaining their dental health. Regular brushing is the best way to prevent plaque buildup, which, in turn, prevents tartar and bad breath.

How to Brush Your Pomeranian’s Teeth:

  1. Start Slowly: Not all dogs take to brushing right away, so start slowly. Let your Pom sniff and taste the toothbrush and toothpaste before you begin.
  2. Use a Dog-Safe Toothpaste: Never use human toothpaste for dogs, as it can contain toxic ingredients like xylitol. Ask your vet for recommendations on dog-safe toothpaste, ideally one that targets fresh breath and tartar control.
  3. Choose the Right Brush: Use a toothbrush specifically designed for small dogs. Toy-sized brushes are perfect for your Pomeranian’s small mouth and delicate teeth.
  4. Make It Fun: Give your Pom plenty of praise and encouragement during and after brushing. Some dogs may never love getting their teeth brushed, but they can grow accustomed to it with positive reinforcement.

How Often Should You Brush?

Aim for once a day if possible, but even brushing every other day will go a long way toward preventing plaque buildup and keeping bad breath at bay.

Step 4: Address Gum Disease and Other Dental Problems

If your Pomeranian’s breath smells terrible even after regular brushing, more serious dental issues, such as gum disease, could be at play. Here are a few common conditions that could be the culprit:

  • Gingivitis: This is inflammation of the gums caused by plaque buildup. If untreated, it can progress to more severe forms of gum disease.
  • Periodontitis: A more advanced form of gum disease, periodontitis can cause tooth loss and infections in the mouth.
  • Oral Ulcers: These painful sores can form inside your dog’s mouth, leading to bad breath and discomfort.

If your vet diagnoses any of these conditions, they may recommend regular dental cleanings or specific treatments to resolve the issue. Keeping up with dental checkups is vital to catching and treating gum disease early, which will also help keep your Pomeranian’s breath fresh.

Step 5: Use Dental Chews and Toys

In addition to brushing, you can help maintain your Pomeranian’s dental health by offering them dental chews and toys. These products are designed to promote healthy teeth and gums by:

  • Reducing plaque and tartar buildup
  • Massaging the gums
  • Freshening breath

Make sure to choose products that are the right size for your Pomeranian. Smaller dogs need chews and toys specifically designed for their size.

Step 6: Offer Dental-Friendly Dog Food

Dog foods on the market are also formulated to promote good dental health. These foods contain ingredients that help prevent plaque formation and support healthy gums. Some kibble is even designed with a texture that helps scrape away plaque as your dog chews.

Speak with your vet to find the best dental-friendly food for your Pomeranian. Incorporating this into your Pom’s diet can be an easy and effective way to help control bad breath and reduce the risk of dental disease.

Bad Breath Is Manageable

If your Pomeranian’s breath smells bad, don’t worry! The issue can be resolved with regular brushing, professional cleanings, and proper dental care. It’s important to address bad breath early, as it can sometimes be a sign of more serious underlying health problems.

By keeping up with your Pomeranian’s dental health, you’ll prevent bad breath and ensure their overall well-being. With a bit of attention and care, you and your Pommy will be happily cuddling again in no time—bad breath free!

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