Home » Meet Gabby: Pommy Mommy’s New Blue Merle Pomeranian

Meet Gabby: Pommy Mommy’s New Blue Merle Pomeranian

by pommymommy

In the Pommy Mommy household, we’ve always embraced the joys and challenges of caring for Pomeranians, especially those with unique health issues. It’s a part of who we are. Every Pomeranian brings its quirks and personality into our lives, making the love, care, and effort more than worth it. And that brings me to our latest and most unique family member—Gabriela, or as we affectionately call her, Gabby.

How Gabby Came Into Our Lives

It all started with a simple scroll through Instagram, something I do often as part of our Pommy Mommy community. But this time, something caught my eye. I stumbled upon a post from an account called @petticoatpoms, a well-known breeder who occasionally retires Pomeranians. The post was about “retiring a female Pom.” I messaged her right away. After several lengthy conversations and text exchanges with the breeder, I decided Gabby had to join our family. One issue: Gabby had just endured a devastating ordeal. This beautiful Pomeranian had recently lost her litter, and on top of that, she’d been in a terrible accident that left her with a broken pelvis and leg.

Here was a little Blue Merle Pomeranian, a color I’ve always wanted in our pack, and she had been through so much. Most people would shy away from adopting a dog with such severe health issues, but if you know anything about us, you know we never back down from a challenge. Taking in Pomeranians with health complications is something we’ve done time and time again. I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

The Power of PEMF for Pomeranians

GabbyGabby’s injuries were significant, but I knew we could help her heal. My adventurer and health enthusiast husband recently purchased a Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) machine for his wellness clinic. PEMF therapy is known for helping in the recovery of various ailments in both humans and animals, improving circulation, reducing pain, and speeding up the healing process. In Pomeranians, particularly those recovering from surgeries, injuries, or chronic pain, PEMF can work wonders by enhancing cellular function and encouraging tissue repair.

I immediately thought that this machine could be Gabby’s lifeline. We could offer her the healing and recovery she desperately needed. I kinda shared the plan with my husband, casually mentioning that we’d be making a “pitstop” on the way down to set up for one of his Spartan DEKA events. He didn’t know it yet, but we were about to welcome a new four-legged family member.

Meeting Gabby for the First Time

meet gabbyThe day we met Gabby was one I will never forget. After wrapping up the Spartan DEKA event, we went to Cabela’s, the agreed-upon meeting spot, to pick her up. My heart was racing with excitement and anticipation as we stood at the entrance, waiting to finally meet her.

When Gabby appeared, it was a sight to behold. I was stunned by how tiny she was, even smaller than I had imagined. Her delicate 7-pound frame was absolutely striking, with her beautiful Blue Merle coat shimmering in the light. But what caught me the most were her eyes—one piercing blue eye and one mesmerizing multi-colored eye. She was breathtakingly beautiful, more than I had ever dreamed.

We had everything ready for her 1,100-mile journey back to Cincinnati: a cozy car seat, her favorite food, and, of course, the loving arms of our children, eager to welcome Gabby into our home. But Gabby wasn’t the only one in for a surprise. She had yet to meet Enzo, our Miniature Australian Shepherd, who shares her striking blue eye and similar coloring.

The First Encounter: Gabby Meets Enzo

meet gabbyIntroducing Gabby to Enzo went differently than we had expected. During the car ride, Gabby had been timid, unsure of her surroundings and new family. We thought the same would happen when she met Enzo, but boy, were we wrong!

The moment they saw each other, it was as if they had known each other their entire lives. After a few curious sniffs, they immediately began playing like littermates. There was no hesitation, no timidness—just pure joy and excitement. Gabby’s energy lit up the entire room. We had originally planned a carefully orchestrated “Pommy Introduction,” but Gabby and Enzo had their own plans. It was heartwarming to watch their instant bond unfold, and from that moment, we knew Gabby was truly meant to be a part of our family.

Gabby’s Recovery: Queen of the House

Though we were delighted with Gabby’s immediate connection to Enzo and her radiant spirit, we knew we had work to do to help her heal. Her broken pelvis and leg required care and attention. Right away, we started Gabby on a recovery plan, using the PEMF machine twice a day to stimulate her body’s natural healing process. Within a few weeks, we saw incredible improvement. The limp that had been so pronounced when she first came to us was slowly disappearing, and soon, Gabby was walking with hardly any sign of injury.

Along with the PEMF therapy, we put Gabby on the Pommy Mommy WellPro Pack, designed to reduce inflammation and support her overall health during recovery. The combination of these treatments worked wonders, and in no time, Gabby was playing with Enzo and asserting herself as the undisputed “Queen of the House.”

While I initially thought Gabby might have the daintier, princess-like demeanor, it became abundantly clear that this little Pomeranian was royalty. She quickly claimed her throne in our home, strutting around like she owned the place. And in a way, she does. Gabby has become the queen, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Filling a Void Left by Niko

toysGabby’s arrival filled a void lingering in our home ever since we lost Niko, our beloved Pomeranian, during the height of COVID in May of 2020. Niko was a central part of our lives, and his absence left a palpable gap in the Pommy Mommy household. It felt like something was missing, even though we continued to love and care for our other dogs.

But when Gabby came into our lives, it was as if that missing piece finally fell into place. Her spunky personality, resilience after all she had been through, and sheer beauty have brought a new sense of happiness and peace to our home. There is something truly magical about having a Pomeranian in your life. They have a way of turning a house into a home, filling every corner with love, warmth, and endless entertainment.

Peace, Love, and Pomeranians

Adopting Gabby has once again reminded us of the endless joy that Pomeranians bring. Yes, they can be a lot of work, and yes, sometimes they come with their own set of challenges, but in the end, every moment is worth it.

As we move forward, we’re excited to watch Gabby continue to grow, heal, and thrive in our home. She’s surrounded by love, a caring family, and a wonderful new furry brother, Enzo.

Whenever I look at Gabby, I’m reminded of the simple truth: there’s nothing quite like the love of a Pomeranian. They bring peace, love, and a sense of completeness to a home. And in return, we give them all the love and care they deserve.

So here’s to Gabby, our Blue Merle Pomeranian. Welcome to the family, little queen. We couldn’t be happier to have you. Peace, love, and Pomeranians, always.

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A Pommy Mommy Story: How I Became a Pommy Mommy

How To Plan for Your New Pomeranian

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