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Playtime Rescue Pomeranian Style

by pommymommy
play time rescue Pomeranian style

One thing that never fails to bring a smile to a dog’s face is playtime! Whether it’s navigating an agility course, frolicking in the local dog park, or even just exploring a box of packing peanuts that mysteriously appeared at your doorstep, playtime is a source of pure joy for our furry companions. In the Pommy Mommy household, where all my Pomeranians are rescues, I’ve crafted a unique approach to introduce them to the delights of playtime—rescue Pomeranian style.

Most Rescues Don’t Play Well

Many of the Pomeranians who have come into my care didn’t know how to play at first. Rescue dogs often miss out on the playful experiences most puppies have, like learning what a toy is. Unfortunately, many rescue Pomeranians spend long hours in cages at shelters, with little to no exposure to toys or play.

My mission is to instill the joy of play in my Pomeranians by introducing them to a variety of activities. With a touch of creativity, almost anything can be transformed into a toy for my girls!

Yoki’s First Official Playtime

One evening, Yoki and Daddy were on the floor when Yoki decided to play “tug of war” with Daddy’s shirt. This was a big moment—it was Yoki’s first official playtime where she engaged with something for more than just a few minutes. They ended up playing for over 45 minutes, and it was such a joy to watch!

playtime rescue Pomeranian styleDIY Playtime Ideas

I also introduce play by using simple items like a wrapping paper tube. I’ll place it in front of a doorway, encouraging the girls to investigate by sniffing it. Once they do, I reward them with praise and a small treat. When they finally step or jump over it, they get another reward. This activity stimulates their thinking process and builds their confidence. You can also use a cardboard box to ensure they can’t walk around it. Start by having them walk on it, and later, open the box to create a tunnel for them to walk through. It may take some time and encouragement, but the results are worth it.

Teaching your dog new things they enjoy is incredibly rewarding. Playtime Rescue Pomeranian Style is not just fun; it’s a fantastic way for you and your Pomeranian to bond and create lasting memories!

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