Home » Expressing Your Pomeranians’ Anal Glands

Expressing Your Pomeranians’ Anal Glands

by pommymommy
Pomeranians anal glands

Pomeranians, like many other dogs, are quirky creatures with unique ways of communicating and expressing themselves. One of the more unusual aspects of their health is their anal glands, which play a role in their scent-marking behavior. In this guide, we’ll delve into the why and how of expressing your Pomeranian’s anal glands, a task that can help keep your fluffy friend comfortable and avoid potential health issues.

Understanding Pomeranians’ Anal Glands

Pomeranians, and all dogs for that matter, have anal glands located on either side of their anus. These glands produce a smelly fluid that dogs use to mark their territory and communicate with other dogs. When your Pomeranian sniffs another dog’s behind, they’re detecting these unique scents which can provide information about the other dog’s health, emotional state, age, and gender.

In wild dogs, this scent-marking behavior is crucial for establishing territory. For domestic dogs like Pomeranians, this is less relevant, but the process of releasing this fluid still occurs naturally during bowel movements. Ideally, the anal glands express themselves as your Pomeranian has firm stools, which help to squeeze the glands and release the fluid.

Why Express Anal Glands?

Sometimes, however, the anal glands can become impacted or clogged, leading to discomfort and potential health issues. This is especially common in small breeds like Pomeranians. If the glands are not regularly emptied, the fluid can build up, causing irritation and leading to the dog dragging or rubbing their bottom on the ground in an attempt to relieve the discomfort.

Regularly expressing your Pomeranian’s anal glands can prevent these issues and ensure that your pup stays comfortable. Although many groomers offer this service, knowing how to do it yourself can be a valuable skill. It’s relatively simple once you get the hang of it.

When to Express Anal Glands

You should consider expressing your Pomeranian’s anal glands if you notice:

  • Bottom-Scooting: If your Pomeranian frequently drags their bottom on the ground.
  • Excessive Licking: If your dog licks their rear more than usual.
  • Discomfort: Signs of discomfort or irritation around the anus.
  • Foul Odor: A strong, unpleasant smell coming from your dog’s rear.

If you observe any of these signs, it may be time to express the anal glands. If the issue persists or you notice unusual discharge, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian.

How to Express Your Pomeranian’s Anal Glands

Before you start, it’s important to prepare and ensure you have a clean and comfortable environment. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

1. Preparation:

  • Choose a Clean Area: It’s often easiest to perform this task in the bathtub or a place where clean-up is simple.
  • Gather Supplies: You’ll need a warm, damp washcloth, some paper towels, and possibly some gloves.

2. Position Your Pomeranian:

  • Get Your Pommy Comfortable: Place your Pomeranian on a stable surface. You may need someone to help hold your dog still, especially if they are nervous.
  • Lift the Tail: Gently lift your Pomeranian’s tail to get access to the anal area.

3. Locate the Anal Glands:

  • Find the Glands: The anal glands are located on either side of the anus, roughly at the 4 o’clock and 8 o’clock positions. They will feel like small, firm nodules under the skin.
  • Apply Gentle Pressure: Using your thumb and index finger, gently squeeze the glands. The fluid should express out through the anus. Use the washcloth to catch the fluid and clean your Pomeranian.

4. Clean Up:

  • Wipe Clean: Use the washcloth to clean any remaining fluid from your Pomeranian’s rear. Make sure to wipe away all the discharge to prevent irritation.
  • Check for Issues: If the fluid is discolored, particularly bloody or pus-like, or if there is excessive swelling, it’s time to see the vet as this could indicate an infection or other issues.

5. Post-Procedure Care:

  • Monitor Your Pomeranian: After expressing your Pomeranians’ anal glands, keep an eye on your dog for any signs of discomfort or further issues.
  • Regular Checks: Depending on your Pomeranian’s needs, you might need to repeat this process every few weeks or months.

Important Considerations

  1. Avoid Over-Expressing: Over-expressing the glands can cause irritation. Only express the glands when necessary and ensure you’re doing it correctly.
  2. Seek Veterinary Help: If you’re unsure or uncomfortable performing this task, or if you notice any unusual symptoms, consult your veterinarian. They can demonstrate the process and provide professional care.
  3. Preventative Care: To help prevent issues, ensure your Pomeranian has a healthy diet that promotes firm stools. A balanced diet can aid in natural Pomeranian anal gland expression.
  4. Watch for Complications: If the anal glands are not addressed, they can become infected or abscessed. Symptoms of an infected gland include a foul odor, redness, swelling, and visible discomfort.


Expressing your Pomeranian’s anal glands may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can become a manageable part of your Pomeranian grooming routine. Incorporating this task into your regular grooming sessions helps maintain your pet’s overall health and well-being. Understanding when and how to perform this procedure can prevent discomfort and keep your furry friend happy and healthy. As with all aspects of Pomeranian grooming, if you’re in doubt, always consult your vet to ensure you’re providing the best care for your Pomeranian.

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