Home » Pomeranians Take a Trip to the Vet!

Pomeranians Take a Trip to the Vet!

by Pommy Mommy

Every Pomeranian parent has the responsibility to make sure to bring their furry one to the veterinarian. There can be many different reasons why you would need a trip to the Vet. I brought all three Pomeranians to our Vet to get updated on their shots, and Maggie had to get blood work to make sure she was healthy.

Pommy Mommy trip to the Vet

Here’s what happened on our trip to the Vet.

The Pomeranian pack had a one o’clock appointment at their Vet’s office.  At twelve-thirty, I packed everyone into the “Pommy Mommy Mobile,” and off we went. Everyone has their assigned seats, of course. Yoki gets to ride “first class” due to a bit of car sickness she gets occasionally. So, tongues out, everyone!

Off we go!!

We arrived safely on time; the Poms strolled in on their “convertible cruiser!”  We were in the waiting room, and in came a black Lab. After seeing the black lab (who is more than twice their size), the Pomeranians decide to show him who’s boss by barking up a storm! I quickly calmed them down, telling them it would all be okay….However, little did they know they were there to get a shot!

Pommy Mommy trip to the Vet

Everyone gets weighed, and we go to see the Doctor in the exam room! Sophia is first up on the exam table. She has her heartbeat checked and her temperature taken (let me tell you how many people it took to take the temperature of a three-pound dog). She put up a fight to the very end! All the time, Yoki and Maggie hung out in the stroller and watched all the action from the sidelines.

Next up is Maggie, a very good girl when it comes to seeing the Vet. She was so happy to be there and even gave the Vet kisses when she saw her! She did great when she had to get her shots.

Pommy Mommy trip to the VetWhen it was Yoki’s turn to see the doctor, she played “statue dog,” meaning she didn’t move a muscle when the doctor gave her the shots. She was a little nervous but did a great job in the end!

After a long afternoon, everyone hopped out of the “Pommy Mommy Mobile” and into the nice cold air condition, took a big drink of water, and settled down with a nice homemade treat from the Pommy Mommy Kitchen!

The girls were glad to go home after a busy day at the Vet! Everyone came back with a good report. The Vet called the next day, saying that Maggie’s blood work results were normal. Meaning all of her organs are healthy!

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