What’s the funniest or weirdest thing your Pomeranian does that makes you laugh so hard you cry? For Nikki Kimbleton, it’s when Chloe gets so excited that she howls loudly toward the sky. It’s one of those moments that always brings laughter and joy into the house.
Nikki Kimbleton: Morning News Anchor, Jacksonville, FL
Nikki is a morning news anchor in Jacksonville, Florida. She shares her home with her husband and two fur babies—Chloe and Wookie, their beloved Pomeranians. While Nikki is out reporting the news, her husband often works from home, ensuring that Chloe and Wookie always have a human nearby, just as they like it. When they aren’t with Nikki Kimbleton or her husband, the pups enjoy their time with their grandparents and Pomeranian pals.
A Lifelong Love for Pomeranians
Nikki fondly remembers the first time she ever saw a Pomeranian as a little girl. Her parents were searching for the perfect dog for their family when they visited a nearby farm that bred Poms. When those tiny fur balls came running toward her, Nikki Kimbleton was in heaven, and her love for Pomeranians was sealed for life.
From Fur Babies to Human Babies
Throughout her life, Nikki Kimbleton and her family have had several Pomeranians. They’ve rescued three from shelters and purchased others over the years. When she and her husband thought they couldn’t have human children, their Pomeranian fur babies were more than enough. With a baby boy on the way, Nikki Kimbleton is thrilled to add a human child to the mix. The back seat is already prepared—Chloe and Wookie’s car seat is on one side, and the baby’s seat is on the other!
Chloe and Wookie: A Rescue Story
Chloe, one of Nikki’s Pomeranians, was rescued from a puppy mill. When they got her, she was in critical condition, and the sellers had lied about her age, health, and much more. Despite all this, Nikki Kimbleton feels like they’re the lucky ones for having Chloe and Wookie in their lives. Their sweet and funny personalities bring so much joy to their home; she can’t imagine a day without them.
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