Home » Is It Safe to Color Your Pomeranian’s Hair?

Is It Safe to Color Your Pomeranian’s Hair?

by pommymommy

Just a few days ago, I shared a picture of Jeffree Star’s Pomeranian, Diamond, on Pommy Mommy’s Instagram and Facebook. The reaction was instant—and intense. People either loved the photo, commenting on how cute she looked, or they hated it, voicing concerns that coloring a Pomeranian’s hair is mean or harmful. With so many divided opinions and zero experience in coloring my Pomeranians’ fur, I sought professional advice. Enter Nancy Holland, a professional animal groomer and owner of Wag ‘n Detail Mobile Pet Studio, and Jess Rona, Diamond’s groomer, at a la Mutt in Toluca Lake, California.

In this post, I’ll share what these grooming experts say about the safety, process, and potential effects of coloring your Pomeranian’s hair. Whether you’re a fan of this creative practice or skeptical about it, this will provide insight from those who know best.

Expert Opinion from Nancy Holland: The Art of Creative Grooming

Nancy Holland, who has years of experience in professional pet grooming, shed light on the subject by explaining the growing trend of “creative grooming.” Nancy is a member of a Creative Styling Organization member dedicated to educating groomers on the safe and effective techniques involved in creative grooming, including using non-toxic dyes to color a pet’s fur. According to Nancy:

“All products used on pets for creative grooming are completely safe and non-toxic. Depending on what type of color you’re looking to use, the options range from non-permanent and semi-permanent to temporary dyes, including artist chalk, food coloring, Kool-Aid, and blow pens. These are just a few of the many choices available.”

Nancy explained that creative grooming competitions are held worldwide, and professional groomers have participated for years. While it might seem unusual to some, this is a form of artistic expression for both the groomers and the pet owners. Dogs, especially Pomeranians with lush coats, can sport various creative designs, bringing attention and excitement wherever they go.

Is It Cruel to Color a Pomeranian’s Hair?

One of the biggest concerns I’ve heard from critics is whether it’s cruel or harmful to color a Pomeranian’s hair. Nancy addressed this head-on:

“People who feel it’s mean or cruel are not educated about creative dog grooming. Dogs love the attention they get when a creative design is being done on them.”

Nancy emphasized that considering a Pomeranian’s size, coat, skin, and temperament before attempting any dramatic grooming is essential. If done correctly, the process isn’t harmful at all. She also shared that her grooming business, Wag ‘n Detail, occasionally provides small, creative touches like pet-safe tattoos for clients who request them.

Additionally, she mentioned that her friends have appeared on Good Morning America multiple times with their creatively groomed dogs to help educate the public and dispel myths surrounding the practice. The message is clear: when done by a professional, creative grooming can be a safe and enjoyable pet experience.

Jess Rona’s Take: Diamond’s Groomer Shares Her Experience

color your Pomeranians hairIn addition to Nancy’s insights, I wanted a closer look at the process behind coloring Jeffree Star’s Pomeranian Diamond. I contacted Jess Rona, Diamond’s groomer from a la Mutt in Toluca Lake, California, via Instagram. Jess is a well-known groomer in the industry, and her experience with Diamond provides valuable insight into the safety and care involved.

Here’s what Jess had to say when I asked about the type of dye she uses on Diamond:

“I use Manic Panic and Paul Mitchell Ink Works. Both are safe and non-toxic for pets.”

When asked how she manages to get the dye so close to Diamond’s eyes without causing discomfort, Jess explained:

“The dye is thick because it’s a conditioner with pigments. So, I used my pinky to apply the color around her eyes. Diamond is a VERY well-behaved dog. She doesn’t move much during the process and seems to enjoy it because I’m massaging and petting her. However, I don’t recommend trying to dye your dog at home unless you’re a professional. If you want to, you can use food coloring, which is much safer for non-professional use.”

Jess’s experience underscores that not only is the dye safe for Diamond, but the grooming process is enjoyable for her because of the gentle handling and pampering she receives. Diamond is used to the process and responds well, but Jess cautions against attempting to dye your dog unless you have experience or use safe, at-home options like food coloring.

To Color or Not to Color: What’s the Verdict?

color your Pomeranians hairNow that we’ve heard from two professional groomers, the question remains: Is coloring your Pomeranian’s hair safe and ethical? According to Nancy Holland and Jess Rona, the answer is yes—as long as it’s done correctly and safely.

Both groomers emphasized that a professional must handle the process using pet-safe dyes and techniques that ensure your Pomeranian’s comfort and safety. They also said that Pomeranians can enjoy the experience when groomed correctly, and it’s far from cruel when done right. Dogs like Diamond and Jeffree Star’s Pomeranian enjoy the pampering and extra attention that comes with the process.

That being said, if you’re considering coloring your Pomeranian’s hair, it’s essential to:

  1. Choose a professional groomer with experience in creative grooming and pet-safe dye application.
  2. Ensure your Pomeranian is comfortable with grooming in general. If your Pom gets anxious or restless during regular grooming, creative grooming might not suit them.
  3. Use only non-toxic, pet-safe dyes explicitly designed for use on animals. Avoid attempting DIY coloring unless you are confident using safe, non-toxic products like food coloring.

The Importance of Education in Creative Grooming

One of the main reasons for the controversy surrounding coloring a Pomeranian’s hair is the lack of education on the subject. As Nancy pointed out, many people who believe coloring is cruel are unaware of the safety measures that professional groomers take. Creative grooming has evolved into an art form, with competitions worldwide showcasing the skill and care that goes into transforming a pet’s coat into a colorful masterpiece.

Education is essential to dispelling the myths and misconceptions about creative grooming. As more pet owners learn about the safety of the dyes and the careful process involved, we can expect to see more acceptance of this trend. Like any other aspect of pet care, the key is doing it responsibly.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re a fan of creative grooming or prefer to keep your Pomeranian’s natural coat color, it’s clear that with the right approach, coloring your Pom’s fur can be a safe and fun experience. Both Nancy Holland and Jess Rona offer valuable insights into the process, reassuring us that as long as experienced professionals do it with pet-safe products, there’s no harm in giving your Pomeranian a little extra flair.

If you’re curious about trying it out, find a qualified groomer specializing in creative grooming. And remember, always prioritize your Pomeranian’s health and comfort throughout the process.

Those living in Northern Kentucky, Southeast Indiana, or Southwest Ohio can contact Nancy Holland at Wag ‘n Detail Mobile Pet Studio for a professional grooming experience. You can find her on Facebook at facebook.com/WagNDetail.

Ultimately, whether you love the idea of a colorful Pom or prefer to keep things natural, it’s all about giving your furry friend the best care possible.

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