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Is Your Pomeranian Having Trouble Breathing?

by Pommy Mommy

Understanding Pomeranian Breathing Issues

Pomeranian having trouble breathingLately, I’ve been getting some questions about what to do if your Pomeranian is having trouble breathing. Most of the time, Pomeranians appear to be breathing hard because they are an excitable breed and tend to breathe rapidly. However, this should not be mistaken for “labored” breathing, a sign of difficulty breathing. My furry babies, Mika and Luka, used to have a hard time with reverse sneezing, which looked alarming but was nothing serious. I wrote this to help you, as a Pommy Mommy, distinguish between what is serious and what is not. I’ve also included a helpful video at the bottom for you to watch.

What to Do If You Suspect Breathing Problems

If you suspect your Pomeranian is having trouble breathing, don’t panic, but definitely monitor it closely. Breathing issues can become serious very quickly. I would strongly recommend taking your Pom to the vet if the breathing issue looks more severe than just heavy panting.

Two Key Terms to Know

When it comes to breathing problems in Pomeranians, it’s essential to be familiar with these two terms:

  1. Dyspnoea: This refers to “labored breathing” or difficulty breathing.
  2. Tachypnea: This means extremely fast breathing.

Signs That Your Pomeranian Is Having Trouble Breathing

Here are some key signs that your Pom may be experiencing breathing difficulties:

  • Both the belly and chest move noticeably as your Pom takes a breath.
  • Your Pom’s nostrils may be flaring.
  • You may notice your Pom breathing with an open mouth.
  • Your Pom may assume a stance like a football player (elbows out to the side).
  • Raspy or abnormal-sounding breathing.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Hollow-sounding breaths.
  • Coughing, hacking, or choking sounds.

Possible Causes of Breathing Difficulties in Pomeranians

There are various reasons why your Pomeranian may be having trouble breathing, including:

  • Infection (bacterial, viral, parasitic)
  • Recent trauma
  • Bleeding
  • Ingestion of foreign objects
  • Symptoms of heart failure or heart problems
  • Anemia
  • Some allergies
  • Acute pain
  • Fever
  • Diseases that cause belly enlargement or bloating (such as an enlarged liver, bloat, or fluid in the belly)
  • Some medications
  • Tumors

What to Expect at the Vet

When you bring your Pomeranian to the vet for breathing issues, the vet will most likely ask several questions about your Pom’s health, such as when the signs of breathing problems began and whether there might be a specific cause. For example, did your Pom eat something unusual, play with something dangerous, or fall from a height?

The vet will typically use a stethoscope to listen for any abnormalities in your Pom’s chest, such as heart murmurs or fluid in the lungs. They will also check your dog’s gums to ensure that oxygen is efficiently delivered to all the organs, which can also help detect anemia (a low red blood cell count).

It may be unsettling, but your vet may press on the windpipe to trigger a cough and check for any obstructions in the throat. If your Pomeranian is experiencing severe breathing difficulties, the vet or vet tech may rush your Pom to the back to provide oxygen before continuing the examination.

Diagnostic Tests and Next Steps

You should expect your vet to perform blood tests for underlying conditions. They may also recommend an X-ray to check for obstructions, fluid buildup, or broken bones that could contribute to your Pom’s breathing difficulty.

When to Take Breathing Issues Seriously

Breathing difficulties in a Pomeranian should always be taken seriously. As a Pommy Mommy, it’s our responsibility to recognize the signs of excitement versus a more severe health issue.

If your Pomeranian shows signs of obstruction, broken bones, fluid in the lungs, or any other symptoms, your vet may admit it for monitoring or treatment until its breathing improves.

Continually monitor your Pom closely and act quickly if breathing problems arise—better to be safe than sorry about your furry baby’s health. Here’s a video by Dr. Greg Martinez, DVM, that shows a Pomeranian named Mariah who came in to see him having problems breathing:

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